Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I know I've mentioned that I've had a few dreams about smoking in the last week and a half and I've heard that it's pretty common. And I've also read that you tend to cough quite a bit for the first few weeks/months after you quit ... your body's cleaning itself out and getting rid of all the nasty. Ok ... I get that too, so noted.

But when I wake up in the morning after having had a dream about buying a pack of butts just so that I could smoke one and I have a worse smoker's cough than I had the night before .... that's just WEIRD!


Anonymous said...

Happy to have followed your blog and to hear you are quitting. I smoked my last cigarette Feb 2, 2000 and still have dreams that I have smoked. Very real and very strange. I was never die-hard, but it's still tough. My Mother quit after literally 50+ years. I firmly believe it can be done. Keep on keepin' on hot mama!
That said - are you still dating the dude?
Jessi (boston-ish)

Anonymous said...

Gina: About six weeks ago, I had such a vivid dream that I WAS smoking that when I woke up I actually sat on the side of the bed saying out loud "do I smoke?" "I don't smoke!" "Do I smoke?" and then I heard Bumpa say "You don't smoke Mare." and I had my 5t anniversary on 01/06/08!