Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So yesterday, it was super nice here in the B'Lo so I had gone down to the branch for something and decided to pop my head out and talk a quick walk around the building and enjoy the weather. So I went out and ran into two guys that I know who were outside smoking ... and instead of walking briskly by and saying hello, I stopped and chatted ... while they were smoking right next to me. It smelled alright, but it definitely didn't make me want one. And I stood there with them for 10 minutes while they smoked and was completely cool. Similar thing today - parked my car, walking up the stairs and there were two women at the top smoking .... eh, it smelled ok but again, not good enough for me to want one!

So now it's just the psychological part of all it that I'm working on and that's been the hardest ... when I'm home, alone ... after dinner, while I'm making dinner, while I'm having a glass of wine ...... I'm definitely making progress though! AND .... I HAVEN'T GAINED ANY WEIGHT!!!!! YAHOOO!!!!!

Weight = Less 3lbs
Cigarettes not smoked = 130 (WOW!)
Money saved = $34 ... $30 of which I already spent so I'm making money now baby!!!

1 comment:

Chris & Cindy said...

You go girl !! I'm so proud of you!